
college clip1

K.B. Owen taught college English for nearly two decades at universities in Connecticut and Washington, DC, and holds a doctorate in 19th century British literature.

detective clip1A mystery lover ever since she can remember, she drew upon her teaching experiences in creating her amateur sleuth, Professor Concordia Wells.



vict lady clipUnlike the fictional Miss Wells, K.B. did not have to conduct lectures in a bustle and full skirts.  Thankfully.  No doubt, many folks are grateful for that little fact.  😀

Dangerous and Unseemly, the award-winning first book of the Concordia Wells mystery series, was released in early 2013.  Available in ebook, paperback, and audiobook.

Unseemly Pursuits, the second book in the series, was released in December 2013. Available in ebook, paperback, and audiobook.

Unseemly Ambition, the third book in the series, was released October 2014. Available in ebook, paperback, and audiobook.

Unseemly Haste, the fourth book in the series, was released October 2015. Available in ebook, paperback, and audiobook.

Beloved and Unseemly, the fifth book in the series, was released November 2016. Available in ebook and paperback.

Unseemly Honeymoon, the sixth book in the series, was released December 2017. Available in ebook and paperback.

K.B. Owen is also the author of the Penelope Hamilton detective series, Chronicles of a Lady Detective. There are three stories (shorter novella length) so far, available in ebook and paperback.

To learn more about the books and ordering information, please click below:

Books by K.B. Owen



Read K.B.’s author interview with Library Journal! 

SELFe author interview1


A message from Kathy:

OBX 12Okay, so what’s listed above is important, but here are a few other things I’d like to share with you.  I’m married to a wonderful hubby, I’m a mom to three boys, and I love to garden, backyard bird-watch, bake, and craft in whatever free time I can get.  If you like gardening and birding, check out the fun slideshow of nature pics from my yard, under the Garden Slideshow tab.  For you cookie bakers out there, feel free to check out the Tea and Cookies tab, where you’ll find lots of cookie recipes and other sweets to try.  I posted a lot of that sort of thing over the Christmas holiday.  Also, the “recipes” link on the Category sidebar has all the recipes I’ve ever posted, cookie or otherwise.

Thanks for visiting!



Email: contact (at) kbowenmysteries (dot) com

Concordia logo FINAL small

16 thoughts on “Bio”

  1. Bart CraigBart Craig

    Hi, Damsel
    Glad to see you’re getting close to achieving a goal. Keep up the good work. Rah, Rah, Rah!!! (College stuff)
    [Uncle] Bart

    • kbowenwriterkbowenwriter

      Thanks so much for the encouragement – you’re the best!


  2. Dolores HaltermanDolores Halterman

    Always glad to hear from your mother about you, your family, and your publishing progress. Happy to know that your goals are coming closer. Will follow and hope soon to be reading your series. Good luck!

    • kbowenwriterkbowenwriter

      It’s wonderful to have such encouragement – thanks, Dolores! Stop by anytime: I have new blog posts on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays.


  3. Andy SvensonAndy Svenson

    Hi there! I read your blog entry about Nancy Drew and the Stratemeyer Syndicate and wanted to introduce myself. My grandfather, Andrew Svenson, wrote the Happy Hollisters — another Stratemeyer mystery series for children — under the pseudonym Jerry West. The Hollister children were patterned on his own children: my father, aunts, and uncles.

    I thought you might be interested in some exciting news! We’ve heard from many fans over the years who have fond memories of the wholesome Hollister family and their exciting adventures. Many fans want to share the stories with their children, grandchildren, nieces, and nephews, but don’t want to give up their collectors’ editions. We have just released paperback and eBook versions of the first three books in the series, The Happy Hollisters, The Happy Hollisters on a River Trip, and The Happy Hollisters at Sea Gull Beach. The stories are identical to the originals, with family-friendly dialogue and charming illustrations.

    If you’d like to learn more about this new edition, and see pictures of the “real” Hollister family, please visit our website: or join our Facebook group

    Thank you!

    Andrew E. Svenson III

  4. Linda GartzLinda Gartz

    ear Kathy,
    I found your fascinating site through Perry Block, who started following my tweets. So what’s the first post I see — a guest post by Elisabeth Craig, whom I started following a couple months ago — and admire as much as you. I find your post topics engaging and clever. I’m a history buff too — but my blog is focused on family history — and the mysteries and secrets I’m unraveling as I decipher and translate old documents. I hope you’ll drop by. BTW, I wanted to make a comment on your hanky-panky post, but couldn’t find the “comments” button to click. Am I missing something or has it disappeared? Thanks!

  5. Tonette dela LunaTonette dela Luna


    I’ve nominated you for a Liebster Awards. The details are here:

    Your books sound interesting and I look forward to reading them soon.

    Have a ROWriffic week,


  6. Tonette dela LunaTonette dela Luna

    Meanwhile, forgive the extra ‘s’ in the post. You’ll find it, I’m sure. This is what I get for midnight posting.

    Also, I got trigger happy and typed a comma too soon in the Linky list.

    Brain-hand coordination is waning…

  7. PhilPhil

    Happy Valentine’s Day K.B!

  8. Benjamin ThomasBenjamin Thomas

    Hi K.B.

    Very lovely site! I signed up for posts and I think a newsletter. I’m seeing if you’re interested in participating in Mystery Thriller Week beginning Feb. 12-22, 2017 but you can sign up now. Here’s a link to the site:

    Benjamin Thomas

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