In addition to writing mysteries, K.B. is also available for hire as a freelance book editor, with a specialty in mystery manuscripts.
Types of Edits Available:
Developmental / $.020 per word (e.g., $1200 for a 60K manuscript):
These are the “big picture” elements of the story and focus on character arcs, plot (in)consistencies, structure, scene cohesion, and the effectiveness of clues/red herrings along with the denouement of the story.
Copy Edits / $.025 per word (e.g., $1500 for a 60K manuscript):
Copy editing is what most people think of when they imagine what editing looks like. Copy editing focuses upon grammar, spelling, punctuation, word choice, and overuse of certain words (a very common issue).
Proofreading / $.010 per word (e.g., $600 for a 60K manuscript):
This is the final polishing stage just before publication, after other edits and revisions have been done. The focus is upon catching those last-minute punctuation errors, typos, erroneous indents/line breaks, and inconsistent chapter headings.
*NOTE: proofreading work is not accepted unless the manuscript has already been professionally edited previously by another editor at the developmental or copy edit level. If the manuscript is found riddled with errors and obviously not edited previously, the client will be given the option to upgrade to copy editing. Otherwise, the ms will be returned and the job canceled.