Happy Tuesday, everyone! Let’s call this “Take Your Pick” Tuesday, since today’s post is a mashup of 5 sites, chosen from the many, many bookmarks I have in my “K’s blog” folder. It’s an eclectic assortment, but I hope you get a kick out of them!
In no particular order:
1. “Girl Thrashes a Burglar.” The New York Times, 17 November 1899.
I found this newspaper article during my research on 19th century criminals.
Here’s a quote from my favorite part of the article:
…she pluckily resisted, and during the desperate struggle that ensued managed to free herself. Then, with all the force she possessed, she struck the intruder full in the face.
This unexpected attack from the young and fragile girl shattered the would-be burglar’s nerves. The next instant he took a header through the shed window. Just as he turned from her the young girl sprang after him and succeeded in landing another blow on his cheek.
You go, girl!
2. “Dropped snack? No sweat! Study reveals 5-second rule is real.” Today Health, 12 March 2014.

I think I was researching popular myths and old wives’ tales when I stumbled across this one. Of course, it’s way more modern than what I was originally looking for, but I marked it. Could come in handy sometime… You gonna eat that?
3. “Detectives and their drink: cocktail recipes and Thin Man martini video.” Mystery Fanfare, 24 May 2011.

I’m a big fan of Dashiell Hammett and Nick and Nora Charles from The Thin Man series. The films in particular have witty, rapid-fire dialogue that’s a pleasure to watch. And then there are the cocktails…what’s not to love? There are six cocktail recipes on this site, plus a fun clip from the movie.
One of the cocktail recipes, featured in the film:
Knickerbocker from The Thin Man (1934)
50ml gin
Large dash dry vermouth
Small dash sweet vermouth
Add the gin and both vermouths to a mixing glass filled with ice. Once well mixed, strain into a frosted martini glass.
Want more info on the Thin Man series? Check out my blog post: Nick and Nora Charles: Masters of Mystery.
4. “Bicycles and Bloomers: How Bikes Helped Revolutionize Women’s Lives.” Photowings.org (date unknown).

The protagonist of my 19th century mystery series, Professor Concordia Wells, is an avid bicyclist, so naturally I researched everything I could about women bicycling in the late-19th century: what the machines were like, what they wore, how popular it was, what folks thought of the phenomenon. The link above has some great photos and quotes from back in the day.
Want more info on women bicyclists? Check out my blog post: The sporting life for 19th century women: bicycling.
5. “This is your brain on knitting.” CNN Health, 25 March 2014.

I’m not sure how I ran across this, but I enjoy crafts and found it interesting. Here’s an early paragraph:
Crafting can help those who suffer from anxiety, depression or chronic pain, experts say. It may also ease stress, increase happiness and protect the brain from damage caused by aging.
And if the knitting doesn’t alleviate your stress, you have a couple of nice, pointy weapons. 😉
So there you have it: an inside peek at my cluttered internet “closet,” where I keep all sorts of scraps and tidbits.
What sites do you like to bookmark for future reference? Is it as crazy an assortment as mine? I’d love to hear from you.
Until next time,
Always fun stuff you have to report. I like that women have not always been the “helpless” victims we are portrayed as being. Good for that young lady for fighting back.
And a Knickerbocker sounds like s regular old martini to me, although it would be fun to order a Knickerbocker just for kicks and jollies.
Thanks for sharing the random stuff.
Patricia Rickrode
w/a Jansen Schmidt
Thanks Patricia! Have fun knocking back the Knickerbocker. 😉
Kathy, I live a sheltered life because I’ve never used both sweet and dry vermouth before in the same drink. What an interesting combo for a martini. Hmm. Five second rule. Who knew? Just don’t antagonize a woman with knitting needles, eh? Great mash-up girl! 🙂
Thanks, Karen! I’m so glad you were able to stop by. I completely agree…gotta watch out for those knitting ladies. 😉
Oh my goodness, I loved that first story. My favorite part? “This unexpected attack from the young and fragile girl shattered the would-be burglar’s nerves.” I don’t think the reporter’s characterization of that woman as “young and fragile” fit AT ALL! Guess strong, determined women have always been around. Right? 😉
As to my own research, I just attended a one-hour presentation at our local library about trees with lots of trivia from the master gardener. Why? Because one of my short stories protags “communicates” with trees. Indeed, I have some sites bookmarked for that too.
Julie, I loved that part, too! Oh, the irony. Your research sounds super-cool! I’ve always wanted to communicate with trees… 😉
Knitting for serenity, definitely! Also knitting for not-stabbing-people-with-my-needles-because-I-don’t-want-blood-on-this! (It’s the person who hasn’t cast on yet that you need to fear…)
I dream of one day being talented enough to knit and read at the same time. Bliss!
Now wouldn’t that be a neat trick? Knitting is definitely relaxing, unless you’ve dropped a stitch… 😉