Happy Groundhog/Super Bowl day! Hope you are all enjoying a leisurely winter afternoon. Get cozy – I hear Phil saw his shadow. We have six more weeks, people. *sigh*

So, how did I do this week?
My goals:
1. Post twice per week on my blog: a ROW80 check-in on Sundays, and an original post mid-week. During my blog tour, my total weekly count will actually be three times per week, as I’m scheduled to guest post twice a week through the beginning of March.
Done! Last week I had an author interview with historical mystery writer Susan Spann over at her site, “Spann of Time.” The next day, I guest posted at mystery writer Elizabeth Craig’s site about that classic Holmes detective novel, The Hound of the Baskervilles. Lots of fun!
2. Send out three new email requests per week to book reviewers who have indicated they are available and interested in reviewing books in my genre (mystery).
I sent out two. I had other priorities and had to triage this week.
3. Visit, comment on, and tweet posts from ten bloggers each week.
I visited at least ten, but only left comments at about half of them.
4. Write and publish three SocialIn posts during this 80-day period.
Published a SocialIn post two weeks ago about 19th century sledding. I’m still getting the hang of it. Will shoot for another SocialIn post in mid-February.
5. Exclusively dedicate four hours each weekday (probably in 2-hour increments) to writing the second draft of Unseemly Secrets.
Partially successful. I knew this week was going to be tough, with the kids off from school two out of the five days and a two-hour late start on another day because of bad weather, but I was really committed to making it work. I got 4 days of editing in this week, averaging 3 hrs each day. That’s better than I’d been doing, but I’m not quite there yet!
How is your Sunday going? Having fun at Super Bowl parties? Is the game the highlight for you, or are the commercials/possible wardrobe malfunctions what make for a fun time? I’d love to hear from you!
Until next time,
I cleaned my house during the Super Bowl. My family went to a party, and I finally got some deep cleaning done. Now the question is how long I can float on that achievement and get some writing done before we all begin to question our hygiene again. LOL.
Good job on goals! I like what you’re doing to expand your reach. Looking forward to your blog tour stop with me, coming soon! Best wishes getting more writing time. My kids had a “snow day” recently too — all because of a slight freeze at 29 degrees, the sort that seems to paralyze us South Texas folk. 😀 Have a marvelous week!
At least you spent your time more productively, Julie! Your housecleaning is my laundry, LOL. Even when it gets washed, it sits huddled in baskets, waiting…
We got tired of the Super Bowl blow-out and switched to Downton Abbey.
Thanks for the encouragement on the goals! I can’t wait to visit your blog, too. 😀
I actually didn’t watch the Super Bowl, though I did watch Stephen Colbert’s “Superb Owl” coverage–does that count for anything? 😉 I would’ve liked to have watched it, even though I don’t really understand much about football. I probably would’ve enjoyed the commercials and halftime show the most.
It sounds like you made some good progress on your goals this week, even with the kids having a couple of snow days/delays. Despite what Phil says, maybe the weather will improve soon. Have a great week!
I imagine Colbert was more worthwhile than the debacle at this year’s Super Bowl. Denise, I’ve got fingers and toes crossed that the weather breaks soon – thanks for stopping by, and have a terrific week!
I’m always so glad to see that you’ve accomplished a goodly portion of your goals. Gives me inspiration to keep on plugging away.
Keep it up and good luck with the reviews from the book reviewers. Those are a scary venture.
Patricia Rickrode
w/a Jansen Schmidt
I’m glad I’m adding to the collective good in some way. I always appreciate your support, Patricia. And you’re right – reviews are a scary venture. 😉
Kathy, you are rockin’ the email requests for book reviewers. Brilliant! And look at all that you accomplished for being in the middle of a book tour. Great job girl! I do hope that your new book release tour is a success. As always, I wish you all the best! 🙂
Thanks Karen! So glad to see you here. I hope your WIP is going well, too!
Sunday was all about Super Bowl for us, despite my not being a huge fan. You had a very productive week Kathy. Best wishes for rocking the ROW 🙂
Hi Raelyn! Nice to see you. Thanks for stopping by, and good luck to you this week!