“Her” pen



I was shopping for something on Amazon last week (I can’t remember what, but oh well, it will be a fun surprise when it arrives) and ran across the “Bic for Her” pen. I’d seen Ellen DeGeneres’s hilarious riff on the product and thought I’d check out the Amazon reviews, since it’s such a mock-worthy item. Of course, I had to include a few here for your amusement…


From women reviewers:






This one had me choking on my beverage:




Apparently, men have also been intrigued by the product, either for themselves…


…or that special someone:


A few felt a little threatened by the pen “for her,” such as this guy:



Perhaps this reviewer would have felt a little more comfortable with 1890s pens:


The Sun (NY), Jan 5, 1896
The Sun (NY), Jan 5, 1896

So there are 100,000 of them depicted in the sketch above, and not a single lady’s hat to be seen. Obviously, pens were quite a manly product in the 19th century.

The ad below appears to have a lady looking wistfully at the fountain pen (or perhaps that’s a look of confusion), but it’s actually a side column about another subject. I couldn’t resist including it. 😉

New York Tribune, Dec 27, 1896
New York Tribune, Dec 27, 1896

Don’t despair, ladies, the net is cast beyond the business world during the Christmas season:

New York Tribune, Dec 14, 1890
New York Tribune, Dec 14, 1890

Careful not to get carried away and get ink on your dress.

In case you missed it (or want to see it again), here’s the Ellen skit about the Bic for Her:

What do you think about the product? Will it, indeed, grow a uterus back? Does the “Bic for Her” pen call to mind any other specialty products of questionable value? I’d love to hear from you.

Until next time,



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8 thoughts on ““Her” pen”

  1. PatriciaPatricia

    Ellen is hysterical. I’ve seen this clip before and I laughed til I cried. Those reviews are awesome, as are the historical ads.

    What’s next, paper for gals too?

    Thanks for sharing, Kathy.

    Patricia Rickrode
    w/a Jansen Schmidt

  2. Kassandra LambKassandra Lamb

    *snort* Seriously? Thanks for making my evening!

  3. Debra Eve | Later BloomerDebra Eve | Later Bloomer

    These are genius. The one about its uterus-growing properties almost made me spew my tea!

  4. Deborah MakariosDeborah Makarios

    Good grief! I wish they’d stop trying to market to infinitely divisible demographics and start doing something useful, like make an environmentally friendly pen that doesn’t need to be thrown out once you’ve used the ink up. Oh, wait, that’s the fountain pen. And people don’t keep buying new ones – scratch that for a marketing strategy!


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