Hi, all, it’s time for the ROW80 check-in!
I suspect I’m not the only one putting out a post a bit later today, given that we’re all pretending it’s an hour later than it actually is (except for the sane folks in Arizona and Hawaii, who aren’t daylight-starved the way the rest of us are).

I think we should all check back here next week to see who has gone the longest before finding that LAST clock/watch/timer that still wasn’t set to daylight savings time and confused the heck out of us. You know there will be at least one booby-trap out there, waiting until you’re late for work to fool you into thinking you have lots of time.
But back to this week. How did I do?
My goals:
1. Check-ins on Sundays.
2. Blog posts on Tues/Fri schedule.
I posted a two-part series on Tuesday and Friday, a humorous mash-up of two domestic divas discussing fine dining: the 19th century author of the enormously popular Book of Household Management, Mrs. Isabella Beeton, and 21st century expert/household name Martha Stewart. Only in the wild frontier of the internet would such a meeting be possible. The ladies were a handful to keep under control, I can tell you. Several readers suggested that in the future I recruit Miss Manners to impose order.
3. Work on sequel to first book.
I am making steady progress on this, and have logged in several days with 1,000+ words! I think I might be ready to post a word count goal. I’ll keep closer track to see what’s realistic. This week will be a good barometer, as I have several car/dental/volunteer time slots that will chip away at my writing time. If I can write after getting a tooth drilled, I can keep to a decent word count any week!
4. Support fellow writers/bloggers.
It was a little hectic this week, so I didn’t get to read many new folks. But I was able to keep up with my usual peeps, who are up to all sorts of things! Check out Gene Lempp’s Blog Treasures for a great mash-up of informative and fun posts.
5. Exercise.
I did the 4.7 mile Burke Lake loop again today (shaved three minutes off of last week’s time, woo-hoo!), but the rest of the week was less spectacular. I got in one big backyard debris-clearing session this week, though.
So how are my fellow ROWers doing? Hope all of you have had a great week!
Until next time,
Hi K. Fortunately for me, out here in Hawaii we don’t do the springing forward and falling back. But I was awakened Friday morning with hail hitting my roof. That has never happened here, ever. I wouldn’t worry too much about posting word count goals, just keep chipping away, you’ll make it!
Okay, yeah, I want my hour back Kathy! Thank you for speaking up for all of us! We got jipped is all I’m saying.
Well you had a rockin’ week! Look at you girl! Whoa! I am inspired now. I hope you have another great week Kathy. I’m out of here before Miss Manners shows up! LOL! 🙂
Fantastic week Kathy – woot woot! I never got to your part II with Isabella and Martha so I’ll be heading there next – can’t wait! LOL!!
You nailed the word count and the exercise!! That’s amazing. I hear ya on busy weeks and not getting around the blogosphere as much as usual. Me to. I try to remind myself it’s all ebb and flow and in the end, it all balances out.
Here’s to another kick ass week ahead! yeahhhoooo!!!
Great week, Kathy! I both love and loathe daylight savings time. Love the extra hour of daylight but hate feeling behind all day.
Keep up the good work with the exercise and word count.
Well, I didn’t feel behind at all today until I read your post and realized it was a freaking hour later than I thought it was.
No wonder I’m hungry!!! LOL. Loved your blog this week – it livened up my sickbed for sure.
First day of Daylight savings time throws me off, too, but I wouldn’t give it up for anything. We have a kitchen clock that ‘s high up on the wall, so my hubs is the one who adjusts the time…except for last year. He decided he didn’t feel like getting up on the ladder, so I was late and off-kilter for weeks til i got used to it. This time, I’m getting the ladder out and leaving it in front of the stove, which is under the clock, and he won’t get dinner til he changes the time. HA!
You did great this week! Steady progress on everything and I’ve meaning to tell you I’m impressed with your almost 5 mile walk! Good for you!
It took me two hours to realize I lost one hour and four clocks still to change (is that a math problem?). Anyway – great week, writing after drilling, talk about getting to the root of the story *grin*
Walking, writing, blogging: You are doing awesome, Kathy! Hey, thanks for the linkage, my friend.
Have a fantastic week 🙂