Things are picking up here at Casa Owen, and I’ve made some changes to my goals that I think will help me better manage my time.
Here we go…
1. ROW80 check ins on Sundays.
2. Continue blog posting on a M/W/F schedule.
After a lot of consideration, I’ve revamped my blog to a Tuesday/Friday schedule (with Sunday ROW check-ins). I am just a very slow blogger. Maybe it comes from my academic background, but I research very deliberately and constantly revise, so it’s slow-going. I used to be even slower, though, so I’m improving!
I’ll be doing “Tuesday Terrific” (which substitutes for Watercooler Wednesday), a mash-up of whatever seems most appealing in humor and pop culture at the moment, and then Fridays will be either the usual “Flashback Friday” – a history tidbit, such as my previous post on bust cream (or food) – or “Fan Friday,” which would be targeted to mystery fans. So I’m keeping the same content, merely stretching it out over longer intervals.
3. Research and develop a new historical mystery from scratch in my WWBC group; also, provide feedback on fellow WWBCers projects.
I’ve zeroed in on textile mills for my industrialist’s empire, and I’m reading some really great resources about it. I used to live in Willimantic, CT, which had an old thread mill that had shut down – it had been in operation since the 1840s. I have to be careful not to delay writing up my character profiles with excessive research, though! I’ll be reading Ellie’s latest character (a minion) and commenting either today or tomorrow. I’m loving her WIP!
4. Revise the plot of my original sequel and continue writing it, in light of what I’ve already learned in WWBC.
No word yet from my agent about the revisions I made to the first novel (click here for last week’s news about why I heard from my agent after so long), but she promised next week. I’m going to hold off on the sequel until I know the fate of the first book, so I’ll probably be dropping this goal from the list in the meantime.
5. Support fellow bloggers and writers.
Every chance I get! The breadth of talent out there is amazing.
6. Manage my time better, so blogging/housework/errands don’t spill over into my writing/research time.
I did much better last week! However, this week is when our youngest is scheduled for surgery (due to a congenital abnormality they recently found) and then he’ll be home for ten days, so I will have to be innovative. I plan to work when he naps.
7. Exercise.
Since excuses are about as useful as Chaucerian spelling bees (Wel koude he dresse his takel yemanly but koude not spelle ful weel), I’ll simply say that I got two “small” cardio sessions in this week. Sigh.

So, how are my fellow ROW-ers doing! Have you been Rockin’ the ROW this week? What have been your challenges? I’d love to hear from you!
Happy Sunday,
Okay maybe you didn’t workout as much as you wanted, but even two short sessions is the beginning of a habit. Good job!
And I think it’s great that you cur back to two days of blogging. Your content won’t suffer and your schedule gets a kick in the butt! Wonderful progress, Kathy!
Thanks, Marcia! I’m usually exercise-phobic, but they weren’t so bad, LOL. 🙂
Quote of the week: “Excuses are about as useful as Chaucerian spelling bees.”
LOL, Paul, I’d love to see that be quote of the week!
I second that idea, Paul!!
I am seriously loving your energy… and the no excuses vibe!
Congrats on getting so much done… even the short cardio… you did it, right?!
Thanks for the kind words, Julie! I am so blessed by such supportive tweeps – that’s what gives me energy (and a lot of iced tea, LOL). So glad you stopped by for a visit!
Congrats on your revised goals Kathy – I think it all sounds reasonable and manageable. Love it. I hope your youngest is ok – we’ll be thinking about him over here and sending him well wishes and a speedy recovery!
Here’s to being innovative with our time management!
your revised goals sound reasonable and for a good reason. well done
Thanks, Louise! I’m usually a bit hesitant to revise goals because I’m concerned that I’m wimping out. But it just made sense this time – the writing has to be Numero Uno.
Reading your revised schedule makes me feel like I need a nap! But it sounds like you have a great plan in place and I wish you much success in getting it all done. Just remember…naps can be a good thing. 🙂
I am personally quite fond of naps, Kristy! 😉 It’s a shame I can’t figure out a way to writing a napping blog, LOL. Thanks so much for visiting and commenting!
Kathy: I’m not a ROWer, but I am glad to read about your revisions. As a fellow academic and slow-blogger who is trying to write 7K a week for WWBC, I have been frustrated by how little uninterrupted time I seem to get to really write.
I read Kristen’s piece this week, but the reality is planning this bar mitzvah is task A, but it will end in June — and then I can devote more time to all things writing.
I hope your son’s surgery gets smoothly. Writing during naps sounds like a good plan.
Renee, I know it’s so stressful for you right now – I hope you got that set-back you mentioned earlier resolved. I’m glad I’m not the only snail’s-pace blogger out there, LOL. But what I hear is you’re doing really good work on your WIP, so keep plugging! Thanks for taking the time to stop by and comment, too. 😀
Kathy, I hear you on the blogging girl. I’ve had to cut back too. I also take a long time to write a post. Perfectionism I suppose. But I love that you see the need and revise your goals. That helps me as a newbie to the ROW know I can do that too. We’ve got to get to know each other better. I also am in WWBC along with you and Gene, although I don’t know anyone else. I’m glad I dropped by. Take care and hope to see you soon! 🙂
Isn’t WWBC a great opportunity? We should have a monthly cocktail mixer. 🙂 I’m a newbie to the ROW, too – this is my first round ever. I was a “lurker” of sorts before, LOL. Thanks for visiting!
Any working out is good, especially after you’ve been sick. And good for you for cutting back to a blogging schedule that works for you. Your posts are always fun and well-thought out, and that’s all that matters.
Your WWBC research sounds really interesting. Good luck on your goals this week!
I have to trick myself in to exercise – park in a really far-away spot to walk extra, stairs instead of elevator, pace while talking on the phone, etc. In the growing season, I use gardening/garden clean-up as my exercise. Other times, walking outdoors seems to be the only exercise I can stand that doesn’t feel like taking bad-tasting medicine. Maybe I just haven’t found the right thing yet. Time will tell! Cutting back on the blogging was quite a relief, actually.
Thanks for your support, Stacy, I really appreciate it! 😀
Kathy, with the way your year has started, I think you’re doing just perfect! I love your blog, whether it’s Tues/Fri or M-W-F. It’s all about what works for you and I think your new schedule will make you a whole lot happier.
I only blog as much as I do because a) it’s freaking fun, (b) it warms me up for my other writing and (c) I’m pretty fast so it doesn’t take a lot of time away. But I don’t have to research the way you do – my Techie Tuesday posts usually take me as long as every other piece of the week put together!
Jenny, thanks a bunch for your support! I’m always amazed at what you get done!
Congratulations on making a tough decision. I told my husband when I first thought about blogging that I would only do it once a week. Now look at all of us. I thought about cutting a day out, but I’m not ready to make that commitment yet. I suspect both you and Karen will be much happier for your choices. I agree with you 100%, the writing has to be number one.
Thanks, Debra, that’s the way I’m feeling about it. I appreciate your support!
Several months ago I went from a 3x/week to 2x/week blog schedule. I also take a while to research certain posts and wasn’t finding as much time for other things as I wanted. I’ve been happy with the new schedule. Hope you are too! I enjoy your content however much you blog!
Have a great week.
Thanks, Julie! You, too!
Love the Chaucer reference. And love your revamping. Trying to manage it all with the time we have is a challenge, one I seem to constantly fail at…
IDK, Leanne, I think you’re pretty amazing! Thanks for the support. 🙂