Posts Tagged: Carol Burnett
Hi, everyone! Hope you’re having a great weekend. Time for my Sunday ROW80 check-in! So how did I do this first week? As the above title suggests, I got “knocked around” a little… My goals: 1. Post twice per week on my blog: a ROW80 check-in on Sundays, and an original post mid-week. During…
Hi, there! It’s Monday, and we could all use a chuckle, right? Here’s a Carol Burnett skit I just had to share. It’s a hoot and a half, and combines two of my favorite things: Star Trek and women’s humor! Any original series Star Trek fans out there? You’ll get a special kick out…
Welcome to Tuesday Terrific, where we celebrate getting over the Monday bump and picking up speed for the rest of the week! Today we’re looking at that age-old puzzle: men and women trying to figure each other out. Through a humor lens, of course, because otherwise we’d be pounding our heads against the…
Welcome to Watercooler Wednesday, where the water is above-average, the topics are bubbly, and the company is sparkling. You may have noticed things getting a little gloomy out there lately; early snow, early nightfall, colder temps, bare trees. It seems high time for: Another Round of Belly Laughs! Let’s start with some good news… 1.…