Posts Tagged: Facebook
Welcome to Tuesday Terrific, where we celebrate getting over the Monday bump and picking up speed for the rest of the week. In the “old days,” when the average joe had epigram-ish words of wisdom to share publicly in written form, options were a bit limited: These days, however, Twitter, web logs,…
Hi, all, it’s time for the ROW80 check-in! I’m really excited about this one, because I actually have progress to share. So, let’s get to it: My goals: 1. Check-ins on Sundays. Done! 2. Blog posts on Tues/Fri schedule. I posted on Tuesday about How to celebrate Mardi Gras in front of your computer, which…
Yay! It’s Watercooler Wednesday, where the posts are loosely based around a theme, something to spark the imagination and get that community “water-cooler” feeling going. We all need help getting over hump-day, after all. You all know what this week’s theme is going to be: EARTHQUAKES! In case you slept…