Posts Tagged: introvert
A couple of days ago I returned from BoucherCon. With an attendance of 1500, it’s considered one of the larger mystery fiction conventions out there. (For those unfamiliar with the name, BoucherCon was created in 1970, in honor of mystery writer/editor/critic Anthony Boucher). It appeals to every mystery fan along the continuum: authors, readers, agents,…
I survived Malice Domestic. Sounds like it should be a t-shirt from an amusement park’s thrill ride, doesn’t it? In a way, it was a thrill ride (not including the lurching, glass-walled hotel elevators that made me a little woozy). I met big-time authors, brand-new authors (there’s a special breakfast for them to introduce themselves…
Malice Domestic 23 is this coming weekend… …and as a first-timer (to any writers’ convention), I’m a bit nervous. Out come the lists and the advance preparations: what to wear, what to buy to wear, what to read ahead of time so I can talk intelligently with authors. Laptop? Business cards? (Do I put “writer”…