Yay! It’s Watercooler Wednesday, where the posts are loosely based around a theme, something to spark the imagination and get that community “water-cooler” feeling going. We all need help getting over hump-day, after all.
Hospitals have been coming to mind this week: it seems that lately a lot of friends (including blogging buddies) have been dealing with ill or injured family members. It also hit close to home, with our youngest child just getting out of the hospital (he’s fine now). No matter how hard the hospital staff tries to alleviate the discomfort, boredom, lack of privacy, and uncomfortable furniture, hospitals are not fun, happy places.
It’s time for the return of:
Belly Laughs
1. This first one comes from the ever-funny Natalie Hartford’s blog, via writer/blogger/super-tech-wondergal Jenny Hansen (click here for Jenny’s fab “more cowbell” blog). Yep, it’s a stripper pole on a truck hitch. The best of both worlds.

2. Speaking of vehicles, one of my favorite go-to belly laughs is the trunk monkey. Not familiar with trunk monkeys? Check out this video clip:
3. Blogger and humorist Perry Block had a birthday recently, and shared the tale of the dreaded LOJM visitation. LOJM, the acronym for “Little Old Jewish Man,” is said to wreak havoc upon “all male members of the Children of Israel of a certain age.” Find out what happened to Perry.
4. And with “visitations” in mind, here’s a piece from The Onion:

WASHINGTON—With lawmakers still at an impasse over increasing the debt ceiling, a special team of 40 eighth-grade civics teachers was air-dropped into Washington earlier today in a last-ditch effort to teach congressional leaders how the government’s legislative process works. “We started them off with the basics, like the difference between a senator and a representative, and then moved on to more complex concepts, like what a resolution is,” Bozeman, MT social studies teacher Heidi Rossmiller told reporters as all 535 members of Congress copied down the definition of “checks and balances” from a whiteboard in the House chamber. “It’s been a bit of an uphill battle, since most of them seemed to have no real sense of how or why a bill is passed, and Sen. [Harry] Reid [D-NV] had to come up to me during a break and ask, ‘Ms. Rossmiller, what happens if Congress can’t reach a compromise?’ But hopefully it will all start to sink in soon.” At press time, an unruly House Speaker John Boehner (R-OH) had noisily stormed out of a lecture on bipartisan cooperation, claiming it was “too hard.”
Click here for original article.
5. And, finally…it’s all about attitude:

How has your week been so far? Any setbacks or stresses that you handle with humor? I’d love to hear from you!
Until the next laugh,
Kathy – Thanks so much for these much needed laughs :-). What a great post! I have to say, I got such a chuckle out of the Trunk Monkey clip that I watched more Trunk Monkeys – just for the chuckle. Hope you have a great Wednesday, and so glad your little one is safe…
Thanks, Margot! Trunk monkeys are my fave 🙂
Kathy, I can always use a laugh! I need to go see Natalie/Jenny’s blog. I’m so far behind in reading my great friends’ blogs because of writing….but I save them in email so I will definitely get to them.
I’ve been reading all morning, but now it’s time for me to set time aside for my new freelance social media job. It’s been a challange re-learning how to balance my time between my writing, my social media, my friends, my family, and now my freelance job. Oh, I can’t forget TV and football. 🙂 I hope that things settle down once I get all of the aspects in place.
I’ve been trying to work my way back here ALL day! Trunk monkeys rock!!! I’ve got to back and watch some more.
My blog tomorrow has the funniest YouTube clip I’d seen all week (so far), but I hadn’t browsed your video clips. 🙂
Thanks tons for the blog love!
Jenny, I loved your clip about the “Christian panties” – ROFL! Thanks for spreading the word about Natalie’s post, and for being such a great blog buddy 🙂
Wow – thank you so much for the wonderful shout out. I really appreciate it. LOVE the truck monkeys!!! What a riot!! Belly laughs all around. Thanks for caring and sharing…
Thank YOU, Natalie, for finding that truck hitch stripper pole! Glad you like the trunk monkeys. 🙂
Thanks for the funny links. The 8th grade civic teachers to Washington was my favorite. Pretty good idea, if you ask me.
Stacy, I totally agree! Or, we could just put eighth graders in Congress. Thanks for stopping by!
Oh they are hilarious. I’m glad I know what a trunk monkey is now. That congress one is a tad worrying!
Ah, Congress…yes, I think an 8th grade civics lesson would be beneficial for those yahoos. And trunk monkeys are the coolest! Thanks for your comment, Catherine!
Love the trunk monkey. LOL
So glad you like the trunk monkey, Kerry! I’d like to see “speed limit” trunk monkey for teenage drivers 🙂 Thanks for stopping by!