Posts Categorized: book tour
Hi everyone! I’m guest posting at Jami Gold’s site today, talking about my Top 7 online resources for historical research. Hope you can stop by! Researching History for Fiction Authors If you haven’t had a chance to pick up the latest Concordia Wells mystery, it’s available now at all the major online booksellers. Here’s…
Not this kind of “feeling lucky.” It’s time to announce the giveaways from my book tour, and I’m so excited! When I was first planning the tour, I was really looking forward to connecting with blog readers via the comments section, and wanted to give out some freebies to say thank you! And you guys…
Luck o’ the Irish to you! Today’s post is a mashup of fun jokes, factoids, pictures, and links to brighten your St. Paddy’s Day Monday. I’ll leave the green beer and bar-hopping to you more adventurous types. 😉 Facts and Tidbits: Did you know St. Patrick wasn’t even Irish? He was born in Britain (387…
Yep, the intrepid 19th century lady professor has dared to step into Jenny Hansen’s “More Cowbell” inner sanctum today, to talk about the popular (and sometimes ridiculous) beauty products of her time. Not familiar with Jenny Hansen and her “More Cowbell” blog? You’re missing quite a treat! The “More Cowbell” concept is all about exuberance…
Happy Thursday, everyone! We’re almost at the end of the week…whew. I don’t know about you all, but the weather around here sure has been showing us who’s boss. We’ll be turning our clocks ahead this weekend with snow still on the ground. Madness. But it’s good reading weather! If you’re anything like me, that…
Does Columbo have that “Ooo Factor”? Well, YA mystery author Tiffany A. White and I think he does! Join us today at Tiffany’s site “The Ooo Factor” (things that make you say Ooo), where we’re talking about everyone’s favorite rumpled detective, Lieutenant Columbo. Click here. See you there! ~Kathy Be the first to like. Like Unlike
Please join me today when I visit romance author Jill Kemerer, who has some intriguing questions about the sequel-writing process. As always, commenters will be entered in my book tour giveaway! Click here for the interview. Click here for details about the contest. See you there! ~Kathy Be the first to like. Like Unlike
Happy Friday! I’m over at Jess Witkins’ place today, talking about that classic Sherlock Holmes story, “The Red-Headed League.” Did you know that a real-life crime like that took place 15 years before the Holmes story was published? Come join us and find out more! Click here: The Red-Headed League Have a terrific weekend, Kathy…