Posts Categorized: Holidays

Happy Autumn Equinox, everyone! Today marks the “official” start of fall in the Northern hemisphere, with exactly 12 hours of sunlight and 12 hours of darkness, and it’s all downhill from there as far as daylight goes, LOL, until December 21st. I hear it’s the only day where you can balance a pumpkin on its…

Hubby and I have been married a while now (27 years and counting), so we’ve seen a lot of Valentine’s Days come and go. For us, the occasion is usually marked by wine, chocolate, and me not cooking. Winning! It’s also a great occasion to reflect on relationships. With that in mind, I’m re-posting a…

Happy Tuesday before Thanksgiving! We’re all pressed for time right now, so I’ll just share a brief montage of interesting historical menus as you plan yours…who knows? It may give you ideas. Another cool thing about the following menus is who is hosting it. We have a hotel, a college, and…a hospital. I guess everyone…

  Hi everyone, I have missed you! If I had known my cicada post was going to stay up as my most recent offering for the past six weeks, I might have picked something else…. The reason for my silence is a sad one. My dad passed away three weeks ago. The deterioration of his condition…

The more ad-weary among us have wondered if the spirit of Christmas is shopping, but after a few cleansing breaths we can see that it’s really about stepping outside ourselves to serve others in some way. Whether it’s a bottle of Aunt Gertie’s favorite perfume, donating a turkey dinner, volunteering at a soup kitchen, or…

To all of my American friends, Happy Thanksgiving! Here’s a re-post from one I wrote a few years back, about the similar ways in which Thanksgiving was celebrated a hundred years ago. Food, football, helping those in need…notice that Black Friday is conspicuously missing. Enjoy your holiday, Kathy ————————————————- Check out these snippets of late-19th/early-20th…