I’m sure you’ve all heard the saying “March comes in like a lion, and out like a lamb.” Around here, our mild winter hasn’t been very lion-like in terms of making its presence felt. (Not that I’m complaining, mind you). Still, we’re all looking forward to spring, and seeing colors other than brown and gray out there.

Although winter hasn’t been making its presence felt, my writer life certainly has, and I’m delighted to be able to report continued progress!
So, let’s get to it:
My goals:
1. Check-ins on Sundays.
2. Blog posts on Tues/Fri schedule.
I posted Wisdom on Walls on Tuesday, a sampling of modern day “graffiti” wisdom collected from Facebook wall postings. It was well received, with several readers saying they were going to use the idea, too. It will be cool to see what they come up with! Friday I put out a post about a classic icon of 19th century femininity, The Gibson Girl. It was a very time-intensive post to research and write, and although it didn’t get as many views as I would have liked, the subject was fun and interesting to learn about.
3. Work on sequel to first book.
While the writing sessions are mentally draining, it’s been very satisfying to turn off that inner Critic and just write. I finished a chapter this week, and have the next outlined. I am only re-reading passages at the beginning of each writing session to reacquaint myself with the material, but I am NOT editing. I reassure myself that this will come later. It’s been a real effort of will to not go in and edit the heck out of everything, I can tell ya!
4. Support fellow writers/bloggers.
I’m always in awe of the blogging talent out there, although sometimes I can’t read them right away and will save them for later. Then I read a bunch at once and do a blitzkrieg of tweets with links, which probably looks weird, because I’m relatively quiet on Twitter otherwise, haha. But cutting back on my Twitter chatter has been the only way I’m getting my writing done. I have been keeping up with folks on Facebook, though, during non-writing times.
5. Exercise.
This seems to be going well – I had two vigorous garden-clearing sessions this week, and I’m currently nursing sore feet after walking the 4.7 mile Burke Lake loop this morning with a friend. Woot!
So, what has your week been like? Has March come in like a lion, or a lamb? I’d love to hear from you!
Until next time,
For anyone interested in participating in ROW80 – “A Round of Words in 80 Days” – or would like to find out more, click here.
March came in like a lion for me with illness and a night of tornadoes in my county. Bleh.
Great job on your goals, especially the exercise!
Wow, Lauralynn – hope all of your friends and loved ones were safe! Thanks for taking the time to visit.
March, weather-wise, has been bizarre. It was 51 on the 1st and by the following afternoon their were snowflakes two-inches in diameter – big fluffy masses like at a pillow fight, drifting everywhere. Odd stuff, but pretty.
Doing great on the goals Kathy and kudos to you for stopping the editor and making her wait her turn. Keep it up – every word you right brings you one closer to where you want to be. Have a fantastic week 🙂
Thanks, Gene – I’m surprised by how difficult that can be for me. I’m a work in progress!
Ha! Very lamb-like here but I’m in the desert. We really only have hot and hotter with a dash of windy to stir things up.
It looks like you’ve done fanatic with your goals, kudos. Wishing you the best for the upcoming week.
Thanks, Raelyn! The desert is no picnic, either!
I’m happy to hear I’m not the only blitzkrieg gal out there! I feel the same way about my blog reading, tweeting, etc.
Great week! I am also learning to simply read the last chapter and then start writing the next. I admit to minor tweaks which will make it hard for me to focus if I don’t fix them (OCD anyone?), but overall it’s flowing well. Hope it continues to do so for you!
We seem to work similarly, Julie! Good luck with your week, too!
we haven’t had a winter here. a lovely snowfall last night but it’s mostly all melted already. can’t wait for green grass and budding trees.
well done on your goals
Oh, me, too, Louise!
It’s weird when you expect something to garner a lot of views, and then it doesn’t pan out. I still get the most hits on my post on head lice. Written two years ago.
Good for you for making your goals.
Hmm…interesting! Thanks, Renee!
Amazing week and progress Kathy! I can’t imagine how hard it is to turn off that inner editor to allow yourself to just create so FANTASTIC job! Woot woot! Luv it. And BAM on the exercise. Keep up the great work for another FAB week ahead…
Thanks, Natalie – you, too!
It’s so good to see you feeling great about your goals! Glad you’re doing well with the exercise…4.7 mi is awesome. Now go get a foot massage from one of your minions!
I wish, Marcia! Would love to have a masseuse here, LOL. Have a good week!
March came in like a lion. Our fellow Hoosiers down state got wiped out by tornadoes…and tonight it’s snowing!
Great job on your goals, Kathy! It’s always nice when we can turn off the critic and just write, which is what we’re all here for anyway.
Our March definitely came in like a lion. We had some incredible wind and rain. No storms, thankfully. Have a great week!
Sounds like you are doing great. I’m a Leo, so I like to think I’m always a Lion… sadly, even when I should be a lamb (don’t get my husband started!).
Hope the rest of your week has been going well!
Thanks, Tia – you, too!