Herding cats and ROW80


Hi everyone, hope you’re having a great weekend. Time for my Sunday ROW80 check-in! So how did I do this week? I’d describe it as “herding cats.”

Created by K.B. Owen on cheezburger.com
Created by K.B. Owen on cheezburger.com

My goals:

1. Post twice per week on my blog: a ROW80 check-in on Sundays, and an original post mid-week. During my blog tour, my total weekly count will actually be three times per week, as I’m scheduled to guest post twice a week through the beginning of March.

Done! Still writing my advance guest posts, though.

2. Send out five new email requests per week to book reviewers who have indicated they are available and interested in reviewing books in my genre (mystery).

I think it was 3 total, actually. I signed up with a GoodReads group that reads and reviews books. You put your book in the queue along with a description, and then interested folks in the group will message you to get a copy. They agree to read and write a review of the book in 4 weeks’ time. I also queried two indie bookstores in my area and got a promising response from one. Haven’t yet heard back from the other one. When the additional paperback copies arrive that I ordered this week, I’ll be approaching several local libraries: our public system,  our middle and high schools. Educators I know who teach in our local school system have told me that they are always in need of engaging historical fiction.  Sounds promising, right? Here’s hoping.

3. Visit, comment on, and tweet posts from ten bloggers each week.


4. Write and publish three SocialIn posts during this 80-day period.

Published a SocialIn post this week about 19th century sledding. That’s 38 sites! Lots of copying and pasting. I’m still getting the hang of it.

5. Exclusively dedicate four hours each weekday (probably in 2-hour increments) to writing the second draft of Unseemly Secrets.

Well, this “cat” got away from me. I only got 3 out of 5 days this week, unfortunately.  A variety of errands and tasks had me scurrying in way too many directions. Still working on using my time more efficiently!

Speaking of herding cats, here’s a clip you might enjoy. It’s one of my favorite Super Bowl commercials:

As the one cowboy said: “I’m livin’ the dream.” 😉

Okay, there you have it: my progress this week. I hope you other writers out there have had a productive week, and the non-writers who may be reading this have had a good January.

Are you on track so far for your 2014 goals? I’d love to hear from you.

Until next time,


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10 thoughts on “Herding cats and ROW80”

  1. Margot KinbergMargot Kinberg

    Kathy – Glad to hear you met some of your goals this week. I think it’s great that you outline your plans like that. And if some of the cats got away, well hey, that’s what cats do… 😉

  2. Kassandra LambKassandra Lamb

    Several of my cats got away this week too, Kathy. Overall, it sounds like you’re doing good, especially with your promo efforts.

  3. Sharla RaeSharla Rae

    I wish I was this organized. You go girl!

  4. PatriciaPatricia

    Old sourdough cowboys herding cats – now that’s funny.

    Good goals and good progress.

    Patricia Rickrode
    w/a Jansen Schmidt

  5. Tui Snider @TuiSniderTui Snider @TuiSnider

    One or two cats may have slipped away, but that’s the way the catnip crumbles! From where I sit, it looks to me that you’re a fine feline wrangler.

    Happy row-ing to ya & see ya at the ranch! 🙂


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