Posts Tagged: goals
Hi everyone, hope you’re having a great weekend. Time for my Sunday ROW80 check-in! So how did I do this week? I’d describe it as “herding cats.” My goals: 1. Post twice per week on my blog: a ROW80 check-in on Sundays, and an original post mid-week. During my blog tour, my total weekly count…
Gack! I missed it – the “Round of Words in 80 days,” where writers support each other by publicly stating their goals, and posting their weekly progress. I participated in the last go-round, and found it so beneficial. Folks I’d never met before visited my blog and cheered me on. I did the same for…
Hmm, it was hard to come up with a ROW80 theme this week. We have President’s Day (grade-school children in tall hats and fake beards, reading patriotic poetry), Mardi Gras (wild, bead-throwing, it-stays-in-Vegas revelry), and for some of us, Lent (religious, penitent, swearing off – gasp! – chocolate). Then I remembered…Fasnacht Day, originally a Pennsylvania…
It’s ROW80 time! Most of you know about my crawling start last week, because of my cold. So how did this week go? Eh. Here we go…my goals (they’ve been simplified since I started): 1. ROW80 check ins on Sundays Yep. (Notice how I always start with the easy one?) NEXT… 2. Continue blog posting on…