I have a new series coming out, and I wanted you all to be the first to know about it!
Chronicles of a Lady Detective
The series is centered upon a character many of you know from the Concordia Wells mysteries: Penelope Hamilton. You may recall that she served as lady principal of Hartford Women’s College in book 1 (Dangerous and Unseemly), and recently made a return in book 3 (Unseemly Ambition) to help with a difficult case.
Readers have long told me that they enjoy Miss Hamilton’s character and would like to see more of her, so I decided to go backwards in time and explore her early detective cases.
Never Sleep, set in 1885 (more than a decade before Concordia meets her), is the story of how Miss Hamilton first gets started as a Pinkerton in her own right. Each of the stories in the series will be novelette-length and published in ebook form only (for now).
Historical Background:
Although a rarity in the 19th century, women working as Pinkertons wasn’t without precedent. The first and most noteworthy was Kate Warne in 1856. According to Allan Pinkerton, the young widow walked into the Chicago office and asked straight away for a position as a detective, rather than requesting a clerical job. Her argument pointing out the unique qualifications of women as detectives persuaded Pinkerton to hire her, and to later put her in charge of Pinkerton’s “Female Detective Force.”
Warne was quite successful as a detective. She acted as an intelligence operative before, during, and after the Civil War, and was instrumental in uncovering the “Baltimore Plot” to assassinate Lincoln on the way to his inauguration. She relayed key information and was part of the group that helped protect the President-elect during this time, as he traveled by train (a different one than announced earlier) between Harrisburg and Baltimore, in disguise.
My gift to you:
I wanted to find a way to say “thank you” to everyone who reads my books and follows my posts. Your support means so much to me! Where would I be without my readers? So, during the month of March, I’m giving away Never Sleep to every subscriber. And this is exclusive access; I won’t be putting it up on Amazon or anywhere else until April.
How to get Never Sleep: The story will be available for download as a mobi (Kindle) and epub (iPad, Nook) on a password-protected page here at the website. Current subscribers will get an email newsletter tomorrow (didn’t want to send you guys two email notifications in one day) with the page link and a password. Future subscribers (during the month of March) will receive the same email newsletter with the link and password when they confirm their subscription.
If you have any difficulties getting it, drop me a line: contact@kbowenmysteries.com and I’ll directly email you the file.
Thanks again!
Oh, great, can’t wait…thank you!
You’re welcome, Lisa! And thank YOU for being such a loyal reader. 🙂
Sounds wonderful Kathy! I tweeted and I’m sure it will be a great success. 🙂
That’s terrific, Karen – thanks so much! <3
Oh, I’m super excited about the book!! Gimme, gimme, gimme. Now doesn’t that sound bratty? I mean, please may I have a copy?
I’m very excited about Penelope’s adventures.
Patricia Rickrode
w/a Jansen Schmidt
LOL, Patricia, there should be an email in your inbox this morning with the link and password. From there, you’ll have your choice of mobi or epub. Let me know if you have a problem with it, and thanks so much! 🙂
As usual, a great blog. Loved the info and your books sound darn right fun.
Sharla Rae, thank you! 🙂
K.B.! I’ve been off the social media loop for months. My inbox this morning? Four hundred plus unread. Would you believe I’ve been doing undercover work for the CIA?
Very astute, my dear. BONUS! I have the sequels to Dangerous & Unseemly PLUS a freebie to read now that I’ve rejoined the world.
In case you’re wondering; I’m well. As well as I can be having spent too many hours and days knocking around in my own noodle noggin. I’m over that now. Phew!
KUDOS on your publications. I can’t wait to catch up.
So glad to have you back, Ms. SnarkyPen! I’m sure you put your cyber-vacation to good use, and I’ll never tell. Thanks so much for reading and being so supportive. <3
Congratulations on giving us more about Miss Hamilton, she is a great character. So happy for you.
Thank you, Rachel! So nice to have you stop by. 🙂