For those of you celebrating Christmas – or enjoying it as a spectator sport, watching all the crazies running around – take heart: the home stretch is nearly here!
We can feel the exertions, can’t we? Even in the world of the internet, with posts from writer/techie/blogger-extraordinaire Jenny Hansen, who reflects on how Christmas preparations highlight her lack of organization in her post, When Disorganization Gets Embarrassing; or apocalyptic writer/belly dancer Piper Bayard’s advice about that crazy combination of small children and hazardous decorations in her post, Toddlers and Christmas Trees – Holiday Survival; or YA writer and funny gal Ellie Soderstrom’s last minute gift ideas in her post, Ellie Ann’s Holiday Gift Guide (if anyone’s interested, I like the Star Trek Plushies).
So, take a breath, and enjoy the “flash mob” hallelujah performance, below (love how the lead singer keeps her cell phone to her ear the whole time, lol).
So, what’s making you crazy this holiday season? Keeping the toddler from chewing on a light strand? Figuring out what to do with that fruitcake from Aunt Edna? Finding the perfect gift for the goth teenager in your life?
Happy holidays,
Love the flash mob, simply awesome!
HA! Fantastic video. Made me plum forget whatever holiday craziness was getting to me.
LOL, August! Wouldn’t it be cool to be part of a flashmob? Gene, I’ll bet you would be terrific. 😉
Oops, insert: *that* was…
Saw another great Christmas flash mob from the University of Minnesota:
I’m SO not ready for Christmas. But it’s coming anyway!
Thanks for the link, Julie! I’ve got more to do, for sure. Enjoy your holiday!
Oh, and I LOVED that clip! Very cool. 🙂
I’m lucky – it all seems to be coming together nicely. a bit more shopping to do but most of the entertaining is done now (I do it early in december and get it out of the way). so a bit of shopping left and some wrapping. and then I’m done. and then I can sit with a coffee in the mall and watch the crazies run around…life is good. thanks for a great video
You’re welcome, Louise! Enjoy your spectator sport. 😀
Another crazy Christmas post that I loved (though I think it was from last week not this week) was Myndi Shafer’s post “The Grinch is Pregnant.”
That was terrific! Thanks, Marcy!
LOVE Flash Mobs. I wish one would happen sometime when I could experience it in person! LOL
I would love to be PART of a flash mob one day! Wouldn’t that be fun? Thanks for visiting, Natalie!