Welcome to a special Halloween version of Watercooler Wednesday, where the the topics are bubbly, the company is sparkling, and (today) the tank is filled with spiked cider.
Although I was in my twenties before I mutilated my first pumpkin (late bloomer), it was obvious early on how much of Halloween centered around pumpkins, from yummy foods to Charlie Brown to luminaries (whoever thought up the idea of gutting something edible to make a lantern out of it? Oh, wait, I’m talking about that on Friday).
So it seemed fitting, with Halloween weekend coming up, that we do a mashup (haha, yeah, I know; it’s a gift) of:

1. We have to start with “It’s the Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown.” Below is a link to a short clip from the episode.
2. Then there is pumpkin humor:
Barfing pumpkins (a universal favorite, judging by sheer number in a google search)

CSI pumpkins (perhaps because so many pumpkins meet their untimely end this time of year)

3. Some carving skills take one’s breath away:

4. Some pumpkin pics are simply too cute to scoot!

5. Don’t forget the pumpkin costumes!
…on dogs

…on cats (oh, the indignity).

6. And of course, the pumpkin-wonderful food. Here’s my recipe for pumpkin fudge:
Pumpkin Fudge (makes 3 lbs)
Prep: 20 min
Cook: 20 min
Stand: 2 hours
3 cups sugar
¾ cup butter
5-oz can evaporated milk
½ cup canned pumpkin
1 tsp ground cinnamon
½ tsp ground ginger
¼ tsp ground cloves
10-oz pkg butterscotch flavor pieces
7-oz jar marshmallow crème
1 tsp vanilla
Optional: ½ cup toasted chopped pecans
- Line a 13x9x2 baking pan w/foil, extending over edges of pan. Butter foil; set aside.
- In a heavy 2-qt saucepan combine sugar, butter, evaporated milk, pumpkin, cinnamon, ginger, and cloves. Cook and stir over medium-high heat until mixture boils. Clip candy thermometer to side of saucepan. Reduce heat to medium-low; continue to boil at a moderate, steady rate, stirring constantly, until thermometer registers 234 deg. F or mixture reaches soft-ball stage (20-25 min).
- Remove pan from heat. Stir in butterscotch pieces until melted. Stir in marshmallow crème and vanilla until well combined. Pour mixture into prepared pan, spreading evenly. Sprinkle with pecans, if desired. Score into 1-inch pieces while warm. When fudge is firm, use foil to lift it out of pan. Cut fudge into pieces. Store in fridge up to 1 week.
7. Check out these terrific pumpkin blogs:
Marcia Richard’s post, It’s All About the Pumpkins, provides lots more recipes (including one for a facial mask!), along with slideshow pics on decorating. Great pictures that will get you in the mood.
You’ll also want to visit Natalie Hartford’s post, Family Traditions: a Love/Hate Relationship, for a bittersweet account of how her feelings about a family pumpkin-carving tradition (and traditions in general), have evolved over time. I’ll bet it will resonate with you, too.
I’m going to leave you with my favorite pumpkin pic of all – that of my then-toddler son (the extra feet belong to one of his older brothers) as he spies his first carved pumpkin.

See you in the pumpkin patch,
Those are awesome, especially The Death Star wow!
That carver has quite a skill! Mine are so primitive, lol. Thanks for the visit, Catherine!
Great post, Kathy!! Love the pic of the cat w/pumpkin hat 😀
Thanks, Georgeanna! It’s hard to go wrong with pets in silly costumes. 🙂 Thanks for stopping by.
That Death Star pumpkin is Kristen Lamb’s, isn’t it? 🙂
Yep, we are thinking alike, you and I. So glad you came by, Piper!
Kathy, thanks for including me in your links! “Great minds run the same channels”…My Monday post will have some history of Halloween, too, just like your Friday! The fudge sounds yummy and I love the pics!
Marcia, I’m so glad you shared your post with us! Great fall pics to get me in the mood, and some cool recipes to try. I think you’d like the pumpkin fudge! Thanks for visiting. 🙂
What a cute post, Kathy!! I love that picture of your “baby” boy. 🙂
Thanks, Jenny! He’s 10 now. It’s gone by SO fast. Enjoy your Baby Girl!
i had heard that the severe weather caused a punkin shortage; and in lieu thereof, the EPA ( eastern punkin assoc ) is suggesting: Used Tires, Naked Mannequins, or cut out stand ups of Conrad Murray for the front steps this year…
now, i was gonna try the naked manneguin but it brought back horrible memories of an 80’s movie;
the conrad murray cut out was appealing, certainly scary, but the novelty store was sold out…
so i’ve settled for an old used tire
i don’t know if it’ll scare anyone on halloween, but i can curl up inside, nap all night, and the german shepherd can hand out the candy.. she’ll pick me up and bring me in when the lil tricksters all go home….
i tweet at @Samuel_Clemons
The used tire sounds cozy, Sam, but hard to carve! Good to have a plan, though. Really nice to see your furry, wiggly l’il self here today. 🙂
First year ever that I have no pumpkins.
Tomorrow I must rectify the situation.
I don’t know how.
Stay tuned.
There’s still time, Renee! Repeat after me: pum – KIN! pum-KIN! Now I want pics, lol, to prove you’re not slacking. 🙂
What a fun post Kathy! Loved it all the way. Beautiful mashup and you found some fantastic pictures! Those pumpkins are a hoot!
Thanks, Debra! It’s amazing (and sometimes scary) what people out there are doing with pumpkins. So glad you stopped by!
Thanks for the recipe and funny pics. This one has to be one of my favorites:
That pic’s a riot, Stacy! Thanks for stopping by and sharing. Happy Halloween!
Great blog! I’ll have to try that fudge recipe, yummy.
This year I made a Nancy Drew pumpkin! Check it out on my home page:
Happy Halloween!
Wow! Very cool, Nancy – love it! Hope it wins. 🙂