Posts Tagged: Julie Glover
Welcome to Watercooler Wednesday, where the water is above-average, the topics are bubbly, and the company is sparkling. Today’s topic: Writer Weirdness Writers and the writing process have been on my mind lately, with National Novel Writing month now upon us. Many of my writer friends are participating, challenging themselves to write 50K words (the…
Unless you’ve been living in a cave (without wi-fi), you know that Mother’s Day is this Sunday. Seems like the perfect time for a Mother’s Day post! But Amazon let me down this year, in terms of its rockin’ Mother’s Day gift suggestions. If you don’t know what I mean, check out the Pole-Dancing Lessons, or…
Hi everyone! I’m visiting YA author Julie Glover at her site today, where we’re talking about those “bad girls” in the Age of Larceny. Oh sure, you may have heard of George C. Parker (infamous for selling New York monuments such as the Brooklyn Bridge) or Charles Ponzi (the Ponzi scheme is still alive and…
Hi, everyone! Today’s the next stop in my book launch blog tour, and I’m thrilled to be guest posting over at Julie Glover‘s place, talking about 19th century spirit mediums: their props, tricks, and mishaps! Plus, she’ll have the next clue in the Whodunnit puzzle giveaway. Come join us! See you there, Kathy Be the first to…
Welcome to Tuesday Terrific, where we celebrate getting over the Monday hump and picking up speed for the rest of the week. We humans walk around this planet with a bit of a swagger, don’t you think? After all, we’re the big-shot, top-of-the-food-chain, opposible-thumbed bi-pedals with more brain capacity than we actually use. But there…