Welcome to our Holiday Yum blog hop recipe series! Today, blogger humorist (and one of my fab gal pals) Natalie Hartford treats us to a personal and hilarious take on French Lace Cookies, so you’ll want to check it out!
But while you’re here, I’d like to share a little holiday analogy with you, re-posted from last year:
It’s that time of year again, when we – or someone we know and love to mock – engages in the
Putting-Up-The-Dang-Tree Ritual
If we’re talking about a live tree, it’s even more involved.
Have you ever considered how similar the writing process is to putting up a Christmas tree? No? Well, let’s take a look.
Many of the parallels below bring to mind some valuable tips on structure from Kristen Lamb, Jedi Master of all things writing, so I’ll be including them as we go:
1. Picking out the tree
This part probably causes the most agony for my poor family, because I tend to be very picky. I want to see nearly all of the trees of that size, which involves pulling off the string they’ve been wrapped in, shaking it out, someone holding it and twirling it around while the others check for holes, gaps, goofy branches, dying needles, and so on. Sometimes we even switch twirlers. It’s an eye-rolling-OMG-Mom-wants-to-see-ANOTHER-tree tradition for us.
The interesting thing about the process is that the person doing the twirling doesn’t necessarily see the flaws. Since one’s arm is only so long, the holder is just too close. A little distance is key.
Writing: when “picking out” our first ideas for a book, it’s important to “give it a twirl,” e.g., putting it into a concise, one-line pitch for someone else to look at. They can check for problems with clarity, logic, conflict, or motivation that we might have missed. Kristen Lamb refers to this early stage as the “seed idea” or “log-line” and she makes clear how absolutely essential it is to get this right before we go any further. Check out her post, Structure part 5: Keeping Focused and Nailing the Pitch – Understand your “seed idea.”
I’m not leaving this K of C parking lot without a good log-line, so stop whining!
Oops, sorry – got carried away.
Once a tree is cut in the forest/farm, it tries to heal over the wound in order to avoid more moisture loss. When we buy a cut tree, the first thing the tree guy does is rev up the chain saw (and I keep an eye on my boys, who are fascinated by loud guy-machinery) and make a fresh cut to the stump. This will enable the tree to drink water during the time we have it in the house, which could be as long as several weeks.
Writing: sometimes we writers “seal up,” don’t we? We just can’t get started, or can’t produce what we imagined when we came up with our initial idea. Time for a fresh cut – a new angle to view things from, a brainstorming session with a writing partner, or maybe some – gasp! – cuts.
3. Giving it water and stability
After that fresh cut, our tree is going to start drinking water – lots of it. It’s also going to need a sturdy tree stand to keep it from toppling over. The tree has to be firmly in its base before we can start the fun parts – stringing lights and decorating. Otherwise, the cat/dog/ferret/child is going to bring it down quicker than a Kardashian marriage. (Or, if we catch it before it topples, we have to tether it to the wall and/or ceiling. The tree, not the Kardashians, that is. Either way, it isn’t pretty).
Writing: whether we’re plotters (those who like to lay out the plot ahead of time and write from a detailed outline) or pantsers (those who like to write “by the seat of the pants” without a lot of pre-planning) all of us want to jump in early, and write our favorite bits of description, dialogue, or what have you. But that would be like trying to put tinsel on the tree while it’s leaning against the wall, and then trying to move the whole mess onto the tree stand later. We absolutely have to have the structure in place first.
Put down the garland, lady, and no one will get hurt.
Kristen Lamb has a lot to say on this one. Check out her post, Anatomy of a Best-Selling Novel: Structure Matters, for more on why you need to start with the basics of your story.
4. Letting it settle
After the tree is in its stand, the branches are still upright and close to the trunk (and who can blame them, after being twined, shipped and stored for weeks on end). It doesn’t look like the classic spread-branch tree shape yet. We wouldn’t even be able to put ornaments on there. We need to give it time to respond to water and warmth, and then the tree will “open” its branches.
Writing: our creative muse has to “settle” too. If we only write a few scenes and start editing them (I’m so guilty of this), we’re not giving ourselves the time we need to spread our branches, so to speak, and reveal the spaces where we can really make our writing shine. This post of Kristen’s really resonated with me: Editing: Are You Butchering Your Creativity?
5. Stringing the lights
…before putting on the ornaments. It’s nearly impossible to do after all the ornaments are in place. We also have to be sure to check first for loose bulbs and frayed wires, because if there’s a problem later, it’s really hard to undo.
Writing: Our characters are like the lights on the Christmas tree. They have to be first, because they drive the story. Their motives, fears, goals, and so on, have to be understood before we know where the story is going. The antagonist in particular is the linchpin, as Kristen explains in: Antagonists: the Alpha and Omega of the Story. Having only a hazy idea of our characters before we start plotting and writing is like not checking the light strands first for defects before putting them on the tree: if there’s a problem later, we’ll have a lot of disassembling to do.
Where’s the duct tape?
6. The ornaments: memories, and breakage
Ah, now we’re getting to the fun part: unpacking the beloved ornaments that will make our tree special. Those preschooler crafts from long ago: toilet-paper-roll-Santas, popsicle-reindeer-antlers. And then there’s the delicate glass snowflake our aunt gave us, and the “Baby’s First Christmas” ornament from proud grandparents.
Inevitably, we’ll find a few broken ones, weakened from attic heat and years of handling. Depending on their sentimental value, we’ll either keep them in the bottom of the box, or throw them out.
Writing: we are each rich in memories and experiences to draw from in our writing, ideas carefully stored for just the right time. However, there will be some that won’t work. Perhaps they are too gimmick-y, or what Kristen terms a “bright idea fairy” – it sounds cool, but it’s a distraction and gets in the way of the story.
7. And, finally, the tree-topper
Whether we prefer a star or an angel (or Yoda, at right), the tree is not complete without something on top. And of course we always put that on last.
Writing: editing is the angel on the tree. Without thorough, careful edits, our work is incomplete.
So what do you think? Do you see other parallels in this tree/writing analogy?
If you’re a writer, and are not already familiar with Kristen Lamb, head over to her site. It’s a fun, rich resource for writers, and she’s wonderfully supportive of us peeps.
However you celebrate the holidays, enjoy!
Until next time,
Great post! And I love that yoda tree topper 🙂
LOL, Coleen, I know! Maybe I can get my family to let me put one of those up on the tree? Well, maybe not…
What a charming post, and I agree with every word. Thank you.
Why, thank you, Lindsay! So glad you liked it.
Love Yoda at the top!Gives me a chuckle.
“When 900 years old you reach, look as good, you will not.” Yoda.
The Jedi Master, as usual, says it all. So glad you stopped by, Janice.
We are getting our tree this weekend. I won’t be able to help decorate it without thinking of this blog. Good stuff!
Thanks, Tim! Enjoy the tree!
Soooo well said Kathy! You really hit the nail on the head and I love the parallel you made – so cool!!!
Thanks, Natalie! It’s funny what connections you can find out there, huh? So glad you stopped by. 🙂
infinite adventures await a tree decoratin’ … the possibilities delight my soul
@Samuel_Clemons on Twitter
Oh, yes, Sir Sam – your fellow ferrets have certainly enjoyed Christmas trees past at our house. Tunneling under the tree skirt was their fave activity, as I recall.
Really well done Kathy. Of course the Yoda tree topper makes the entire post. LOL
…as it should. 😉 Thanks so much for stopping by, Debra!
What a great blog, Kathy! I am going to share this with all my English professor friends so they can share with their students!!! Good stuff!!
That would be terrific, Sheri – thank you!
Brilliant post! Definitely bookmarking this. For better trees and better writing 🙂
That’s great, Catherine – thanks! Getting our tree tomorrow. 😀
I think you laid that out perfectly, K.B.! I can see each step of writing correlates perfectly with each step of tree decorating.
I was hung up in a story I’ve been writing for a long time…and the key seems to have been the ‘fresh cut’ stage. Not that I needed to cut anything (yet), just that I’d written it as individual scenes…and I couldn’t do anything at all with it forever. Then I realized that I hadn’t put the scenes in LOGICAL sequence, so I spent nearly seven hours rearranging, and making notes on what needs to be added to tie everything together…and am now (hopefully) good to go! 🙂
Thanks, Kristy! There’s also letting things “settle” – sometimes it seems as if our subconscious minds are working on the tangles even when we’re not aware of it. So glad you stopped by!
I love analogies and yours is a great one! Great way to tie it into the process.
Thought of another! We always hide a special ornament for the others to find (Christmas pickle in my family, pink hippo in my dad’s family when he was growing up) and some writer’s like to hide little nuggets of subtext or allusions that add a little extra if you find it, but doesn’t detract from the enjoyment if you don’t.
Ooh, I love that! Those hidden gems add to the fun, don’t they? Thanks for stopping by, Angela!
This was a fantastic post!!
Thanks so much, Marcy! 😀