For those of you celebrating Christmas – or enjoying it as a spectator sport, watching all the crazies running around – take heart: the home stretch is nearly here! We can feel the exertions, can’t we?  Even in the world of the internet, with posts from writer/techie/blogger-extraordinaire Jenny Hansen, who reflects on how Christmas preparations…

Welcome to Watercooler Wednesday, where the water is above-average, the topics are bubbly, and the company is sparkling. We humans walk around this planet with a bit of a swagger, don’t you think?  After all, we’re the big-shot, top-of-the-food-chain, opposible-thumbed bi-pedals with more brain capacity than we know what to do with. But there are…

Welcome to Masters of Mystery Monday, where each week we feature a fictional detective and examine his or her unique contribution to the mystery genre.  You are invited to challenge yourself with a short detective quiz, and see the answers to the previous week’s quiz. Today we’re revisiting a Master Detective from an earlier post:…

  How did the phrase “The Butler Did It” come to be such a cliched convention in mystery stories? Did the butler – or another servant in the household of a wealthy murder victim – really “do it”?  And in enough mystery novels to deserve the cliche?  Any of you mystery readers remember a time…