I have a task: to talk about ten things I love that begin with the letter “R.”
How did this happen? It was passed down to me by YA author Myndi Shafer, who took on the letter “B” last week, so check out her site when you have the chance.
Okay, here we go…
Top ten fave things that begin with “R”:
The first of my favorites makes obvious my love of language: the prefix “re” – meaning “again.”
Think about all of the second chances made possible by that tiny prefix! There’s:
and, depending upon the show, reruns.
Of course, I’m ignoring the icky “re” words, like “regurgitate.” We won’t go there. 😉
Close behind, if not dead even, is #2, which I’m sure most of you can identify with: reading.

Here are numbers 3-10, in no particular order:

3. Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups
4. Ruby-throated hummingbirds

5. Roaring fire in the fireplace

6. Rocking chairs (relaxing and exercising? I’m there!)
7. Really good mysteries (no surprise, right?)

8. Riddles
9. Rippling water

10. Rib-tickling belly laughs
Speaking of belly laughs, here’s one in honor of funny-lady Phyllis Diller, who passed away yesterday at the age of 95. I loved her laugh!
What are your faves? Do you have any additional “R”s or “re” words you’d like to contribute? I’d love to hear from you!
Until next time,
P.S. – if any bloggers out there would like to participate, let me know in the comments, and I’ll assign you a letter. 😀
How fun! Isn’t Myndi the BOMB-Diggety!! 🙂
Ok, I’ll play now that I’m back in town. It’ll be the perfect thing to get my blog rolling again.
Ready for my assignment.
Welcome back, Ginger! I was following your travels and great pics on Facebook (but not in a creepy way, LOL). How about the letter “D”? Have fun!
Fun post!
I’m a huge fan of Ruby-throated humming birds too! And just plain rubies.
Phyliss Diller’s laugh was awesome! I just heard on the news that she died with a smile on her face. The thought left me with a happy sigh…
Thanks, Loree! Are your hummers still around? We only have a few more weeks to enjoy ours before they typically move on. Sigh. So glad you stopped by!
Love your list! Well done, and thanks for the link! Off to plant my butt in a rocking chair and call it exercise. 🙂
Thanks, Myndi! Enjoy your
relaxingexercise! 😉What fun! I also love resilience, because it has served me well all my life.Rebounding as well. Bouncing and it’s exercise!
Just the thing to get the creative juices flowing! I accept the challenge.
Follow your bliss,
Ronda Del Boccio
Hi, Ronda! Resilience and rebounding are EXCELLENT additions to the list – thank you! Okay, think you can handle “V”? Thanks for the visit! 🙂
Love it! Thank you for staying away from “regurgitate.” I’m totally with you on the reading, rocking chairs, and the rippling water, particularly if I can get them all into the same setting.
I’d love a letter, thanks. 🙂
Kinda hard to get that rocking chair up the mountain, isn’t it, Piper? LOL! I’ll give you the letter “F” – use it wisely. 😉
LOL. I’m going to consult Holmes with this one. We’ll get back to you.
Hey Kathy! I think you’ve pretty much covered all the ‘R’s I love, especially Reeses, hummers & rockingchairs! The only one I might add is ‘R & R’, i.e. rest & relaxation … not always easy to incorporate into a day. So sad about Phyllis Diller, she was one in a million. Thanks for a great post!
Ooh, yes, love rest and relaxation, Nancy! Great additions. I was bummed about Phyllis Diller, too. 🙁
Me, me! I want a letter! Guess we can’t request one, hunh? I was hoping for M or S so I could put Myndi Shafer on my list!! But I’ll take whatever you’ve got for me, Kathy.
Loved your R list, especially #1. Never thought about how ‘re-‘ gives out second chances so freely.
Thanks, Kassandra! How about “S”? Have fun!
um like, “hello??” you didn’t list “friends whose name begins with the letter R” now did you???? Frankly, I’m shattered, I tell you, just shattered. But I will give you props for using “regurgitate” such a fab word. Great job Kathy.
Ah, but Rachel, then all the jellybeans would come out of the woodwork, ’cause their names aren’t as fab as yours! *wink*
Thanks for stopping by!
Myndi assigned me the letter “D” as well so I’ll be posting my list next month since I only blog once a month at the present time. But I’ll link back to you too. Sort of like killing two birds with one stone.
Phyllis Diller was a gem. Her outfits and wacky hair were a comedy unto themselves. May she rest in peace.
My favorite things that start with “R” would be: rubies, Ruffles (potato chips) and roller coasters.
Patricia Rickrode
w/a Jansen Schmidt
What a coincidence – I didn’t realize that! Did I get you mixed up with someone else, and you didn’t request a letter? *head desk*
What? Phyllis Diller died? Omigosh! I thought she died years ago. You know, when Helen Rivers did. #Bazinga
Great post. I soooo needed the giggle.
LOL, Renee! Phyllis Diller was a tough broad, like some other gals I know. 😉
Great list, I love Phyllis’ laugh. what a hoot.
Thanks, Louise! Yeah, she was special. I couldn’t help but laugh when I heard her do it. 🙂
Great “R’s” ! The re words are my favorite–I love second chances!
Fun video of Phyillis Diller. She’ll be missed. I watched her all the time growing up.
I’d love a letter, too! This is a fun game, Kathy!
Cool, Marcia! How about “L”? Have fun with it!
Right on Kathy!!
Really enjoyed your post!
Rest assure, your “Rs” really rock! 🙂
Hahaha, Karen! You crack me up. 😉 You seem like a gal in need of a letter! ??
Great blog.
I notice you didn’t have Ryan.
Must have slipped your mind.
Ryan who? Ryan Seacrest? Hahaha…surely you can’t be talking about – no, not that guy. And Spock starts with an “S” or else he’d totally be in there. 😉
Apologies to everyone else who isn’t following this one…
Perhaps this would be more to your liking:
I am very bipartisan.
Unfortunately, I don’t know how to make my facebook photo display on your site.
I like “The Quiltman”! These pics that you see aren’t from Facebook; most are from Gravatar accounts that folks have set up: http://en.gravatar.com/ No matter what, you’ll always be a granny square to me, Bill. 😉
Fantastic list Kathy. I mean, what’s not to love about ruby red hummingbirds and Reese Peanut Butter cups…and everything else of course. YUM!
I would LOVE to play along – fire me off a letter…squeeee!!!
Thanks, Natalie! I’m so glad you want to play along. How about the letter “J”? Have fun! 😀
Of course, Reading would be on my list too! How about Relaxation, Rest, Rivers, Restaurants, Roller Coasters, and Rattlesnake Meat? Okay, maybe you don’t like that last one, but rattlesnake sausage is good.
Hmm, never had rattlesnake meat! I’ll take your word for it, LOL! Thanks, Julie, for stopping by! 😀
Wonderful words, Kathy. You were lucky to get the reading letter. But where were raccoons? 😀 I’ll add rogues and rebels (my favourite heroes, like Han Solo *sighs dreamily*), rapiers, rapport, realms (fantastic ones), rears and recipes.
Hahaha, these are great, Reetta! Ooh, I’m a sucker for Hans Solo. So many fab contributions to the “R” list! Would you like to try your hand at a letter? 😀
Granny Square?!
Man, that is loaded with meaning.